Course Details

by Sadiya Abbasi

GCSE Maths / Science for YR 10/YR11

SALIENT FEATURES:  Course that improve your grade remarkably. We provide tuition to help pupils of all ages and abilities to achieve their maximum potential to get higher grades.  Weekly online 3 hours session for Pre-GCSE/GCSEs which will consists of Science and Maths lesson on every Saturday at 10:30 am start. The sciences will be taken one at a time every week, but maths will be taught every week. AQA Specifications are covered. Assessments are taken on a regular basis to ensure the thorough learning.  


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Starting Syllabus

OUR VISION ON TEACHING SUBJECTS:   AQA/ EDEXCEL/ OCR GATEWAY Specifications are covered ( Science: Biology, Chemistry and Physics) AQA/ EDEXCEL specification covered for Maths. We believe that great planning and delivering curriculum leads to improved teaching and learner’s outcomes, which influences constructively on students' life opportunities. Our idea is that pupils make more progress when they have been prepared or equipped to grasp the subject by understanding its essential concepts in an adequate depth so that they are able to apply subject knowledge in different perspectives. We teach the content of the national curriculum step by step. Different tasks are put in a sequence to help pupils build a plot through different topics, which then sequenced in a plausible progression that allows them to verify relationships and draw contrasts. This scaffolded approach of teaching encourages pupils to develop different viewpoints on a concept.   1. Number 1.1 Arithmetic1.2 Fractions1.3 Basic Percentages1.4 Reverse Percentages1.5 Compound Interest1.6 LCM / HCF / Prime Factors1.7 Roots & Indices1.8 Rounding & Estimation1.9 Standard Form1.10 Bounds & Error Intervals1.11 Recurring Decimals1.12 Surds1.13 Using a Calculator1.14 Counting1.15 Best Buy1.16 Exchange Rates   2. Algebra Basics 2.1 Expanding One Bracket2.2 Simple Factorisation2.3 Expanding Quadratics2.4 Factorising Quadratics2.5 Rearranging Formulae2.6 Solving Linear Equations2.7 Substitution2.8 Proof/Reasoning2.9 Functions2.10 Algebraic Fractions 3. Solving Equations & Inequalities 3.1 Quadratic Formula3.2 Completing the Square3.3 Linear Simultaneous Equations3.4 Quadratic Simultaneous Equations3.5 Inequalities3.6 Inequalities on a Graph3.7 Iteration3.8 Equations & Problem Solving 4. Sequences 4.1 Sequences - Linear4.2 Sequences - Quadratic4.3 Fibonacci & Geometric   5. Graphs 5.1 Coordinates5.2 Drawing Graphs5.3 Equations of a Line / y = mx + c5.4 Perpendicular Lines5.5 Transformations of Graphs5.6 D-T / V-T Graphs5.7 Solving Equations using Graphs5.8 Equation of a Circle5.9 Estimating Areas & Gradients of Graphs   6. Ratios, Proportion & Rate of Change 6.1 Ratios6.2 Direct & Inverse Proportion6.3 Speed, Density & Pressure 7. Geometry & Measures 7.1 Angles in Parallel Lines7.2 Angles in Polygons7.3 Similarity - Lengths7.4 Similarity - Area & Volume7.5 Congruent Triangles7.6 Transformations7.7 Transformations - Enlargement (Negative Scale Factor)7.8 Area - Triangles & Quadrilaterals7.9 Circles - Area & Circumference7.10 Circles - Sectors & Arcs7.11 Problem Solving with Areas7.12 3D Shapes7.13 Pythagoras7.14 SOHCAHTOA7.15 Sine/Cos Rules & Area of a Triangle7.16 Circle Theorems7.17 Loci & Construction7.18 Bearings & Scale7.19 Vectors7.20 Drawing Plans & Elevations   8. Probability 8.1 Basic Probability8.2 Venn Diagrams & 2 way tables8.3 Combined Probability 9. Statistics 9.1 Mean, Median & Mode9.2 Box Plots9.3 Stem & Leaf Diagrams9.4 Frequency Polygons9.5 Scatter Graphs (inc. Time Series)9.6 Histograms9.7 Cumulative Frequency Graphs  

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